Ein Berg. Sieben Orte. Einzigartiger Urlaub.
Family Trail
Small loop with fun factor also for families, children and beginners.
Ascent via the Widum district (asphalted path). Then take the forest road to the “Tiefental Eck”, where a great view over Lermoos awaits you. There begins the last and not too challenging part of our downhill route “Schlägle” to the Grubigsteinbahnen valley station. We have deliberately designed this section to be easy and flowing so that everyone can enjoy mountain biking.
Observe the rules of conduct
Alpine emergency call: 140
Ascent via the Widum district (asphalted path). Then take the forest road to the “Tiefental Eck”, where a great view over Lermoos awaits you. There begins the last and not too challenging part of our downhill route “Schlägle” to the Grubigsteinbahnen valley station. We have deliberately designed this section to be easy and flowing so that everyone can enjoy mountain biking.
Observe the rules of conduct
Alpine emergency call: 140