Woman looking out over a beautiful lake from a grassy hill, holding the Clean Up Days garbage collection bag.  | © Patron Plasticfree Peaks _ Lena Everding Photo
For a more equitable, livable and viable world. Now and in the future.
Acting sustainably together

What exactly is sustainability?

Society, environment and economy in balance

Sustainability refers to the ability to meet current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It aims to achieve a balance between environmental protection, social justice and economic development in order to ensure long-term and lasting solutions to challenges such as climate change, resource scarcity and the preservation of quality of life.

"Sustainability is not only environmental protection, but also economic growth and social integration. These elements must be harmonized."

~ Martina Heim ~
Sustainability Coordinator Tiroler Zugspitz Arena


Lakes, streams, waterfalls, snow and ice. All year round and omnipresent, in various forms and usually glistening turquoise blue. Water is life and here in the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena even energy, as we are at the forefront when it comes to hydropower.


CleanUP Days

in cooperation with PATRON

Everyone can join in!
We have been a proud partner of PATRON's Plasticfree Peaks campaign since 2022. Once a year, people of all ages come together here in the Tiroler Zugspitzarena to free our beloved nature from waste and preserve its beauty and recreational value for our and future generations.


Regional restaurants & stores

Safe workplaces & short transport routes

An absolute must in terms of sustainability is a return to regionality. Away from global oversupply and back to the roots is already the motto in many production companies, restaurants and hotels in the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena. Because regional not only tastes like home, it also creates new jobs, preserves and protects craftsmanship and tradition and, above all, saves a considerable amount of CO2 thanks to the short transportation routes. By the way, regional products are also the perfect vacation souvenir for those who stayed at home!

Have fun tasting & giving away!



From tradition and modern interpretation

Proud is probably the right word to describe what we feel when the countless little blazing flames light up our mountain ridges every year at the summer solstice and shed light on the shortest night of the year. It looks mystical, spectacular.  But our culture is more than just the mountain fire at the solstice. We are shaped by the mountains and the mountains are now also shaped by us. 


Respectfully on the go

Rules for respectful treatment of nature and wild animals

With every step we take, we interfere with nature.  But we also do a lot to keep our impact as low as possible or to compensate for it adequately. Our snow groomers run on adBlue like modern diesel cars, we have converted our printing plants to environmentally friendly paper, run our lifts with energy from hydropower, build mountain lakes as small biotopes for species protection, sow wildflowers on the ski slopes in summer and create compensation areas for newly built bike trails and paths. Just to name a few points.
What we do on a large scale, you can do too, just a little smaller. Here are a few things you can do on your excursion into nature to keep it as beautiful as it is now.

  • Looking for new paths is good, but not in nature. It's much better to walk on the paths we maintain anyway.
  • Our wild animals find enough to eat in the woods, so you can enjoy your snack all to yourself.
  • Take only memories with you and leave nothing but footprints Our wildlife will thank you if you also dispose of any garbage lying around.
  • Let nature dictate the sound - silence can be so sonorous 🎵 Our wild offspring urgently needs their beauty sleep. 🦌
  • Please keep your furry friend on a lead during the breeding season.
  • Please do not disturb our alpine animals during their important work as professional lawn mowers. Admire their fluffy grass management from afar! #donttouch🐄thanks!
  • Wildlife quiet zones are reserved for wildlife, you wouldn't want strangers in your living room.
  • If you are interested in the local game, there's the possibility to do a wildlife observation in Namlos . You will find the
  • respective blog article here.
  • Bivi: Save yourself the night on the hard ground and enjoy a soft hotel bed instead.




GREEN EVENT Tirol basic

Together with Lebensraum Tirol Holding and its subsidiaries Tirol Werbung, Standortagentur Tirol and Agrarmarketing Tirol, we, the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena, hosted the AlpineClimateSummit 2024. Together with these partners, we were able to facilitate a productive exchange between a diverse group of experts on the subject of changes, challenges and opportunities for the alpine living environment. This dialogue is very valuable to us, as it provides us with important inspirations for necessary changes. On this basis, we can then develop concrete ideas for our living environment of the future.

However, sustainability was not only a key topic of discussion. We met specific sustainability criteria during the planning and execution of the event and thus received the Green Event Tirol basic award. 

Amongst others, the following measures have been implemented:

  • We only print the most necessary documents and only use recycled paper or chlorine-free bleached paper (TCF) for our printed materials.
  • We have made the decision to refrain from using give-away bags with flyers and notebooks in order to reduce paper usage.
  • Name badges will be collected after the event.
  • Our catering meets sustainable criteria such as regionality and seasonality.
  • The conference centre is accessible on foot or by public transport.
  • We aim to minimise waste and encourage you to do the same. Appropriate bins will be available at the event, to enable a proper waste seperation.

Employer Branding

Sustainability as an employer

Sustainability also includes the topic of business and therefore working in the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena. We have developed our employer branding for this purpose. We want to offer our employees in the region more than just wages and scenery. 

Coming Soon!

Sales representative in front of truck with broom | © Tiroler Zugspitz Arena/Bianca McCarty
Two hotel employees | © Tiroler Zugspitz Arena/Bianca McCarty
A cable car employee checks the gondolas in the station.  | © Tiroler Zugspitz Arena/Bianca McCarty
The Tirol lettering, as a mountain fire | © Tiroler Zugspitz Arena/Frozen Lights

Bergfeuer & Sonnwendfeuer

Zur Sommersonnenwende stehen die Berge der Tiroler Zugspitz Arena in Flammen!


Ihr Weg in die Tiroler Zugspitz Arena


Ihre Mobilität in der Tiroler Zugspitz Arena
A smartphone. On the display you can see the electronical guest card of the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena | © Tiroler Zugspitz Arena/Bianca McCarty


Die Gästekarte der Tiroler Zugspitz Arena ist Ihr Plus für den Urlaub! Entdecken Sie die Inklusivleistungen und Ermäßigungen!
The Tirol lettering, as a mountain fire | © Tiroler Zugspitz Arena/Frozen Lights
Bergfeuer & Sonnwendfeuer
A smartphone. On the display you can see the electronical guest card of the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena | © Tiroler Zugspitz Arena/Bianca McCarty