

Tiroler Zugspitz Arena
Schmiede 15
A-6632 Ehrwald
T: +43 5673 20 000


Managing director: Petra Fraune
Supervising authority: Tyrol State Government, Division Tourism 2C
Chamber membership: Tyrol Chamber of Commerce (Tourism)

UID-number: ATU 64255969
commercial register court: Reutte


Bank account:

Raiba Ehrwald
bank code: 36219
Account no.: 55665
IBAN: AT893621900000055665


Copyright Images & Pictures

© Tourismusregion Tiroler Zugspitz Arena | Uli Wiesmeier | Albin Niederstrasser | Frozen Lights | Foto Somweber | Robert Eder | Christoph Jorda



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The contents of our site have been compiled with a great deal of care. However, we assume no liability for the accuracy, completeness and topicality of the contents. As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on this site, in accordance with general law. As a service provider, we are however not obliged to monitor third-party information which is provided or stored on our site or to investigate circumstances suggesting illegal activity. Any obligations to remove or block the use of information in accordance with general legislation remain unaffected by this. Any liability in this respect is however only incurred from the time any specific infringement is acknowledged. When infringements such as this come to light we will remove the content forthwith.

The content and works on these pages provided by site operators is subject to German copyright law. Reproduction, processing, distribution and any kind of use beyond the scope of copyright law requires written consent from the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this site are only permitted for private, non-commercial use. In as far as the contents of this site have not been compiled by the operator, the copyrights of third parties are respected. In spite of this, should you become aware of any copyright infringement, we would ask you to let us know. When we become aware of any copyright infringements we will remove any such contents forthwith.


Responsibility for links

Our offer contains links to external, third party websites, upon whose content we have no influence. We are therefore unable to assume any liability for this third-party content. Respective suppliers and operators of these sites are responsible for the contents of these linked sites. Linked sites have been checked at the time of link-setting for any possible legal infringements. No unlawful content was ascertained at the time the link was set up. However, without concrete evidence of legal infringement, the permanent inspection of content of linked sites cannot be deemed reasonable. As soon as we become aware of any legal infringements any such links will be immediately removed.



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