Ein Berg. Sieben Orte. Einzigartiger Urlaub.
Wolfratshauser Trail
Option 1: Ascent via the MTB route (804 + 860 + 861) to the starting point or continue to the Grubighütte for a stop.
Option 2: Ascent with the Grubigstein lifts, section 1 + 2.
Starting point: At the bend of MTB route no. 861, below the “Windiges Eck”.
The trail leads along the ski slope into the narrower single trail and on to the Wolfratshauser Hütte.
The return journey is on the forest road (route 862) to the Grubigalm.
Follow the rules of conduct
Alpine emergency call: 140
Option 2: Ascent with the Grubigstein lifts, section 1 + 2.
Starting point: At the bend of MTB route no. 861, below the “Windiges Eck”.
The trail leads along the ski slope into the narrower single trail and on to the Wolfratshauser Hütte.
The return journey is on the forest road (route 862) to the Grubigalm.
Follow the rules of conduct
Alpine emergency call: 140