Ein Berg. Sieben Orte. Einzigartiger Urlaub.
Lermoos - Höhenweg (Panorama hike) to Untergarten | Obergarten
From Hotel Tyrol in Oberdorf, past the war cemetery, follow the signs to Moosle's Zauberwald.
Continue through Moosle's Magic Forest, where 9 exciting stations for fun, games and knowledge await you. At the end of the path, continue left towards the district of Gries. Follow the signs to Untergarten, Obergarten. Return to the center via the Via Claudia Augusta cycle path.
Continue through Moosle's Magic Forest, where 9 exciting stations for fun, games and knowledge await you. At the end of the path, continue left towards the district of Gries. Follow the signs to Untergarten, Obergarten. Return to the center via the Via Claudia Augusta cycle path.