The ecologist and landscape planner Dr Dipl.-Ing. Karel Cerny has been studying the regional flora for a long time. In his job, he maps mountain railways in the area around the Zugspitze. In the process, he has learnt about the numerous native plant species. While most people are familiar with orchids as exotic houseplants, for example, Cerny can list more than 15 species off the top of his head that grow in and around the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena in summer. You can get to know them wonderfully on a beautiful orchid hike. One of them: Orchis ustulata, also known as the burnt orchid, is one of his favourite plants. However, these delicate flowers are rapidly disappearing and in Germany the species is already classed as critically endangered. Malicious tongues claim that the busy ski slopes are to blame. But what is the truth of the rumour?
Different plants, different requirements
Karel Cerny knows: not much. For various reasons, native plants actually thrive better on the ski slopes. For example, these areas are not treated with pesticides. This means that the soil offers the regional plant species their familiar and natural habitat in summer in the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena. "Agricultural land is treated with fertiliser to promote plant growth," explains Karel Cerny. "However, only certain plants can grow better. This is because different plants have different requirements." The high nitrogen content contained in the fertiliser does not accelerate the growth of all plants, the expert knows. For example, species that cannot process the nitrogen are shaded by fast-growing plants and eventually even completely displaced.
Summer in the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena: butterflies are also part of it
Another plant whose gradual disappearance worries ecologists is the yellow gentian. "It used to be common in this area, but the plant is now only found occasionally," explains Cerny. The expert also refers to the disappearance of some animals and insects. "A rich plant world also includes butterflies, for example," he emphasises. Insects are becoming increasingly rare in our cities, but many of the colourful butterflies still flutter around the Zugspitze in summer in the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena.
Grazing the vegetation before winter
"In order to preserve the great diversity of plants, the ground must be cleared before winter," explains Cerny. To do this in the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena, grasses and plant remains must be removed at the end of the summer when the flowers have faded. If this is not done, the remains remain under the icy blanket of snow until the following year. When spring arrives and with it the first fresh plant shoots, these are hindered in their growth by the remains of the previous year. Incidentally, the expert considers grazing to be the best way to realise the uncovering process. This involves livestock grazing on the slopes. "Of course, it's also okay to mow down the old plant remains," emphasises Cerny. So in order to be able to admire butterflies and native plants in summer in the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena in the future, nobody has to miss out on skiing.