Ein Berg. Sieben Orte. Einzigartiger Urlaub.
Ehrwalder Alm - Igelsee -Gaistal
Cross the ski slope at the Ehrwalder Almbahn mountain station and walk behind the Kinderland to the “Winter hiking trails” banner. Behind the Berggasthof Alpenglühn, continue steadily uphill to the fork Ganghofers Rast or Talblick. Turn left towards Igelsee/Gaistal and continue to the valley station of the Gaistal lift.
The end of the trail is the avalanche warning sign or the “You are leaving the secured area” sign.
The trail is regularly groomed, but not cleared or gritted.
Important notes:
Do not leave prepared and marked winter hiking trails (alpine dangers)
Observe avalanche warning levels
Alpine emergency call: 140
The end of the trail is the avalanche warning sign or the “You are leaving the secured area” sign.
The trail is regularly groomed, but not cleared or gritted.
Important notes:
Do not leave prepared and marked winter hiking trails (alpine dangers)
Observe avalanche warning levels
Alpine emergency call: 140