Ein Berg. Sieben Orte. Einzigartiger Urlaub.
Namlos - Knittelkarspitze from Kelmen
Starting in Kelmen, follow the path through the Eggwald forest. At the fork in the path, continue left over the Steinkar and then left again to the Knittelkarspitze summit.
Descent options:
- the same way back
- via Raazalpe-Galtalpe and Rotbach to Rauth/Rinnen
- via Steinkarspitze-Reuttener Höhenweg-Galtjoch-Abendspitze to Rauth/Rinnen
● Stay on the marked hiking trails
● Keep your distance from grazing animals
● Observe the opening hours of the huts
● Alpine emergency call: 140
Descent options:
- the same way back
- via Raazalpe-Galtalpe and Rotbach to Rauth/Rinnen
- via Steinkarspitze-Reuttener Höhenweg-Galtjoch-Abendspitze to Rauth/Rinnen
● Stay on the marked hiking trails
● Keep your distance from grazing animals
● Observe the opening hours of the huts
● Alpine emergency call: 140