Ein Berg. Sieben Orte. Einzigartiger Urlaub.
Meditation with Mia the cow
Can you follow Mia on the path of relaxation and discover your inner peace?
The meditation trail in Berwang is a special place where the silence of nature is combined with a feeling of serenity. Here in these peaceful surroundings, with a little luck you will meet Mia, a very special cow. Mia accompanies us along the way and shows us at various stations how valuable it is to live in the moment and appreciate the little things. With simple breathing exercises, an extra dose of self-love and the art of gratitude, Mia teaches us to see ourselves and our environment in a completely different light and to enjoy every single moment. Follow
Mia on this path of mindfulness and discover the art of slow living with her!
The meditation trail in Berwang is a special place where the silence of nature is combined with a feeling of serenity. Here in these peaceful surroundings, with a little luck you will meet Mia, a very special cow. Mia accompanies us along the way and shows us at various stations how valuable it is to live in the moment and appreciate the little things. With simple breathing exercises, an extra dose of self-love and the art of gratitude, Mia teaches us to see ourselves and our environment in a completely different light and to enjoy every single moment. Follow
Mia on this path of mindfulness and discover the art of slow living with her!