Ein Berg. Sieben Orte. Einzigartiger Urlaub.
Lermoos - fire road to Grubigalm
After the Hotel MOHR life reosrt turn right into the Bachtlweg. From there follow the asphalt road straight on until you reach the middle station, Brettlalm. Follow the signposts along the serpentine gravel path to Grubigalm (closed in summer) and to the reservoir.
Return either along the same path or to the middle station and from there take the Grubig I back to the valley.
Return either along the same path or to the middle station and from there take the Grubig I back to the valley.
- Stay on the marked hiking trails
- Keep your distance from grazing animals
- Be aware of the mountain hut opening hours
- Alpine emergency call: 140