Ein Berg. Sieben Orte. Einzigartiger Urlaub.
Lermoos - Panorma walk to Ehrwald
Starting point of the tour is the supermarket MPreis in Lermoos. From the parking lot turn left and cross the bridge over the Lussbach. Follow the Scheibenweg straight on until you reach the railway tracks. Cross the
railway tracks and follow the Panoramaweg left towards Ehrwald. This path leads steadily uphill through the
forest to the entrance of Ehrwald. On the way back there is the possibility to walk through the moss to Lermoos. The entry point is at the entrance of the village at the Shell petrol station in Ehrwald.
● Stay on the marked hiking trails
● Keep your distance from grazing animals
● Be aware of the mountain hut opening hours
● Alpine emergency call: 140
railway tracks and follow the Panoramaweg left towards Ehrwald. This path leads steadily uphill through the
forest to the entrance of Ehrwald. On the way back there is the possibility to walk through the moss to Lermoos. The entry point is at the entrance of the village at the Shell petrol station in Ehrwald.
● Stay on the marked hiking trails
● Keep your distance from grazing animals
● Be aware of the mountain hut opening hours
● Alpine emergency call: 140