Ein Berg. Sieben Orte. Einzigartiger Urlaub.
Lermoos - Moosles explorer trail
With Moosle on the research trail you will discover the diversity and beauty of the alpine flora and fauna at Grubigstein. On the 2.5 km long explorer's path little scientists make it big. A quiz can be answered along the way- the solutions are explored at 7 stations. The path is fun and educational; the forest becomes a playground and learning area.
With the right word you can get your medal at the valley station of the Grubigstein cable car or at the tourist office Lermoos.
Video Moosles Forscherpfad
With the right word you can get your medal at the valley station of the Grubigstein cable car or at the tourist office Lermoos.
Video Moosles Forscherpfad
- Stay on the marked hiking trails
- Keep your distance from grazing animals
- Be aware of the mountain hut opening hours
- Alpine emergency call: 140