Ein Berg. Sieben Orte. Einzigartiger Urlaub.
Lermoos - Gartner Alm to Bleispitze
From the car park, cross the Widum part of town and follow the footpath towards the Gartner Alm. There the
trail leads to the Sommerbergjöchle. Keep right and hike over the ridge to Bleispitze. Return to the starting point on the same path. This tour is only recommended in dry weather (danger of slipping in wet conditions).
● Stay on the marked hiking trails
● Keep your distance from grazing animals
● Be aware of the mountain hut opening hours
● Alpine emergency call: 140
trail leads to the Sommerbergjöchle. Keep right and hike over the ridge to Bleispitze. Return to the starting point on the same path. This tour is only recommended in dry weather (danger of slipping in wet conditions).
● Stay on the marked hiking trails
● Keep your distance from grazing animals
● Be aware of the mountain hut opening hours
● Alpine emergency call: 140