Ein Berg. Sieben Orte. Einzigartiger Urlaub.
Lermoos - Fire road Gries/Untergarten- Lähn- Bichlbach
Starting point is in the Lermoos district of Gries. Take the road opposite the BP petrol station, from there continue to Untergarten. Keep right, follow the cycle and hiking path along the Lussbach to Lähn. Turn right over the big bridge and cross the main road through the village to the beginning of the village west. Cross the railway tracks there, then keep left and walk along the Panoramaweg to Bichlbach.
Return via the same path or by public transport.
Return via the same path or by public transport.
- Stay on the marked hiking trails
- Keep your distance from grazing animals
- Be aware of the mountain hut opening hours
- Alpine emergency call: 140