Ein Berg. Sieben Orte. Einzigartiger Urlaub.
Lähn - to the hut Bichlbacher Alm
The hike starts at the entrance to Lähn West village (direction Bichlbach). From there cross the railway
tracks, keep left and after the avalanche dam follow the slightly uphill forest path until it merges into the well-marked trail (follow the signs). Climb up the trail to the crossing forest path, now keep right and hike to the Bichlbacher Alm. Descend along the “Rote Riepe” trail to the Rauthängerle part ofthe village and along the “Panoramaweg” trail back to the starting point.
● Stay on the marked hiking trails
● Keep your distance from grazing animals
● Be aware of the mountain hut opening hours
● Alpine emergency call: 140
tracks, keep left and after the avalanche dam follow the slightly uphill forest path until it merges into the well-marked trail (follow the signs). Climb up the trail to the crossing forest path, now keep right and hike to the Bichlbacher Alm. Descend along the “Rote Riepe” trail to the Rauthängerle part ofthe village and along the “Panoramaweg” trail back to the starting point.
● Stay on the marked hiking trails
● Keep your distance from grazing animals
● Be aware of the mountain hut opening hours
● Alpine emergency call: 140