Ein Berg. Sieben Orte. Einzigartiger Urlaub.
Heiterwang - Around the Thaneller mountain
From Heiterwang past the church to Bichlbach. Follow the village road into the village and turn right at the bridge towards Berwang. At the end of the village turn left and follow route no. 871 "Berwanger Talweg" to Berwang. Follow the route to the end of Berwang up to a chapel. Keep right and follow route no. 873 "Berwang - Rinnen" to Rinnen. From there follow the asphalt road route no. 875 "Rinnen - Rieden" downhill, later as a gravel road steeply downhill to the Rotlech reservoir and along the reservoir to Rieden. At the fountain in the center of the village, continue uphill again on route no. 822 "Klausenwald" through the Kausenwald forest to Heiterwang. After the Klausewald forest, your reach the Via Claudia Augusta cycle path which leads back to Heiterwang.
- Visit highline 179
- Visit Ehrenberg Castle
- Observe the rules of conduct
- Shared Trail (respect for hikers)
- Keep your distance from grazing animals
- Alpine emergency call: 140