Ein Berg. Sieben Orte. Einzigartiger Urlaub.
Ehrwald - around the Zugspitze
Start is at the Ehrwalder Almbahn valley station. Via the forest path to the Ehrwalder Alm and on to the Joch, the highest point of the tour at 1,600m. Continue towards Igelsee with a descent through the Gaistal valley into Leutasch, via Klamm, Platzl, Ober- and Unterweidach, Burggraben to Gasthof Mühle, where you follow the asphalt road towards Mittenwald. At Mittenwald, turn left in a sharp right-hand bend towards Lautersee and Ferchensee, to Elmau, via Eckbauer Graseck. Then a very steep descent to Partnachklamm, via the Olympic ski stadium in Garmisch-Patenkirchen to the Kreuzeckbahn and towards Grainau, following the road to Eibsee and via the Hotel Waxenstein to the Höhenrain panorama trail, via the Krieger memorial chapel onto the cycle path to Griesen and back to Ehrwald. Follow the cycle path to the Ehrwald viaduct and through the village to the Ehrwalder Almbahn valley station.
Important notes:
Observe the rules of conduct
Shared trail (consideration for hikers)
Alpine emergency call: 140
Important notes:
Observe the rules of conduct
Shared trail (consideration for hikers)
Alpine emergency call: 140