Ein Berg. Sieben Orte. Einzigartiger Urlaub.
Ehrwald - To the Seebensee (Drachensee/Coburger Hütte optional as Bike&Hike)
Starting from the valley station of the Ehrwalder Almbahn (route no. 813) on the very steep, continuously asphalted road to the Ehrwalder Alm at 1,493m (alternatively: ascent with the Ehrwalder Almbahn). Pass the Tirolerhaus over the alpine pasture, after a short ascent over the saddle to the entrance of the Gaistal valley. At the fork, take route no. 813 in the direction of Seebenalm. Past the alpine pasture, partly steep and gravely to the Seebensee. The Seebensee lies in a picturesque mountain landscape with views of the surrounding mountains and the Wetterstein massif with the Zugspitze (2,962m).
From the bike parking lot at the end of the Seebensee, at the material cable car, follow the hiking trail on foot towards Coburger Hütte/ Drachensee for about another 300Hm.
Important notes:
From the bike parking lot at the end of the Seebensee, at the material cable car, follow the hiking trail on foot towards Coburger Hütte/ Drachensee for about another 300Hm.
Important notes:
- Observe the rules of conduct
- Shared trail (consideration for hikers)
- Alpine emergency call: 140