Ein Berg. Sieben Orte. Einzigartiger Urlaub.
Ehrwald - Gatterltour-pver Knorr hut-to the summit of Zugspitze
The tour starts at the Ehrwalder Almbahn valley station (alternatively, take the cable car). From there turn right
over the meadow path, past the BrentAlm. Continue past the Ganghofer Hütte (closed in summer), Ehrwalder Alm and the Tirolerhaus. Follow the forest path towards the Pestkapelle. Through a forest strip on the Max-Klotz-Steig, past the Hochfeldern Alm to the first pass, the trail descending slightly to the Feldernjöchl, past the junction to the Steinernes Hüttl, descending in a north-easterly direction first, then ascending steeply on a secured trail to the Gatterl. On the Plattsteig to the Knorrhütte, over scree and snowfields in a north-easterly direction to the Zugspitzplatt and further on the marked and secured trail to the Zugspitze summit (2,962 m) or you can use the Gletscherbahn Sonnalpin to the top. Back to the valley by Tiroler Zugspitzbahn. This tour is only recommended for experienced, sure-footed hikers with a head for heights.
● Stay on the marked hiking trails
● Keep your distance from grazing animals
● Be aware of the mountain hut opening hours
● Alpine emergency call: 140
over the meadow path, past the BrentAlm. Continue past the Ganghofer Hütte (closed in summer), Ehrwalder Alm and the Tirolerhaus. Follow the forest path towards the Pestkapelle. Through a forest strip on the Max-Klotz-Steig, past the Hochfeldern Alm to the first pass, the trail descending slightly to the Feldernjöchl, past the junction to the Steinernes Hüttl, descending in a north-easterly direction first, then ascending steeply on a secured trail to the Gatterl. On the Plattsteig to the Knorrhütte, over scree and snowfields in a north-easterly direction to the Zugspitzplatt and further on the marked and secured trail to the Zugspitze summit (2,962 m) or you can use the Gletscherbahn Sonnalpin to the top. Back to the valley by Tiroler Zugspitzbahn. This tour is only recommended for experienced, sure-footed hikers with a head for heights.
● Stay on the marked hiking trails
● Keep your distance from grazing animals
● Be aware of the mountain hut opening hours
● Alpine emergency call: 140