Comfortable and healthy: the Swiss pine lounger from the Luttinger joinery
Anyone who settles down on a Swiss pine lounger from the Luttinger joinery in Biberwier will be glad they did. Physically, mentally, and spiritually. Years of craftsmanship bring together its gentle sway with healing infrared radiation and structure-borne sound technology. The Luttinger lounger is a unique feel-good health product.
Simply by breathing, the lounger begins to vibrate gently in all directions. Until a sense of weightlessness sets in. How does this work? It’s the arched base on which the ergonomic lounger rests. It took four years and no less than 20 prototypes until the Luttinger joinery in Biberwier, run by Josef Luttinger and his team, hit upon the ideal design. An infrared module was then added to the lounger’s backrest.