Ein Berg. Sieben Orte. Einzigartiger Urlaub.
Ehrwald - Hölzli - Lische - Kuhgasse
The path starts at the church square by the tourist office. Turn left into Reinhard-Spielmannstraße. After the Linzgieseder company, turn right into Otto Haudeckweg and cross Hölzli onto Ganghoferstraße. Follow this road for approx. 50m and turn left via Haag and Lische to the “Kuhgasse” path. This leads to the valley station of the Ehrwalder Almbahn. The Altmühlensteig can be taken as the way back
Important information:
Do not leave prepared and marked winter hiking trails (alpine dangers)
Observe avalanche warning levels
Alpine emergency call: 140
Important information:
Do not leave prepared and marked winter hiking trails (alpine dangers)
Observe avalanche warning levels
Alpine emergency call: 140